I already discussed the first clean-up of the new Reflection
based version
of RevitLookup;
here comes the second one, restoring access to view extensible storage data:
- Recent changes to RevitLookup
- Restore access to extensible storage data
- Download and access to old functionality
Recent Changes to RevitLookup
Here is an overview of the recent changes so far:
On February 6, I presented a drastic change
to RevitLookup contributed by
Andy @awmcc90 McCloskey, RevDev Studios,
using Reflection
to provide more complete coverage of all the Revit database element methods and properties.
Victor Chekalin, aka Виктор Чекалин, took a critical look at the new version and cleaned it up significantly to address some raw edges in his pull request #25 – old bug fixes and improvements of the new approach , presented February 17.
Restore Access to Extensible Storage Data
Alexander Ignatovich, @CADBIMDeveloper, aka Александр Игнатович, examined the new version and says:
I worked a lot with extensible storage in the past. This theme remains important for me nowadays as well. With the new
approach, the extensible storage data display disappeared from RevitLookup.Therefore, I submitted a pull request #26 to the RevitLookup GitHub repo.
I restored the ability to see extensible storage content and made some refactorings.
I also added the ability to see GUID values.
Many thanks to Alexander for restoring this critical piece of functionality!
Download and Access to Old Functionality
The most up-to-date version is always provided in the master branch of the RevitLookup GitHub repository.
Alexander's enhancement is provided in RevitLookup release 2017.0.0.17 and later versions.
If you would like to access any part of the functionality that was removed when switching to the Reflection
based approach, please grab it
from release 2017.0.0.13 or earlier.
I am also perfectly happy to restore other code that was removed and that you would like preserved. Simply create a pull request for that, explain your need and motivation, and I will gladly merge it back again.