I am back from my vacation in Andalusia:
Time to get through the email backlog and back to productive work again.
No, not at all, time to get ready for the Revit Technology Conference RTC Europe in Budapest next week, all-too-quickly followed by Autodesk University and the Autodesk DevDays 2015.
Oh dear, in a hurry again.
Time flies!
The DevDays format is significantly changed from previous years:
Autodesk DevDays 2015 with Accelerators
This year we are discussing the annual Autodesk developer conferences more publicly than ever before.
Besides informing existing developers about the existing desktop products, we are encouraging new, innovative developers to engage with Autodesk cloud technologies as well.
Thanks largely to the positive experience of running Cloud Accelerators in different locations – e.g., San Francisco, Prague – the ADN team has shifted their thinking for this year's tour: rather than visiting 15+ cities around the world, the team has reduced the number of locations and increased the amount of time spent in each. 3-4 day Accelerators will be held in a number of cities adjacent to the more traditional DevDay events.
This gives you as a developer a great opportunity to really kick-start your cloud-centric development efforts, gain a deeper understanding of Autodesk's fast-evolving PaaS offerings and even create something tangible before heading back home from the event.
It is really rewarding to create something brand new away from your everyday typical routine and head back with a working prototype ready for further development.
The DevDay events will continue to cover the new features and APIs in the desktop products, of course, and the Accelerators will have help on-hand for working with those APIs as well as their newer, cloud-centric siblings.
I strongly recommend signing up for one of these events.
While they are intended for ADN members, you should certainly reach out to your local ADN representative via the registration page if you're interested in attending without being a network member. I will be at the DevDay and DevHack at AU in Las Vegas as well as the DevDay and Accelerator in Munich.
Kean's hsbcad Wood Construction Customer Visit
I worked a lot in the past with hsbcad, an ADN member and provider of software for the offsite construction industry, including both AutoCAD and Revit-based applications.
Kean Walmsley now published an interesting report on his recent visit to the hsbcad customer JPF-DUCRET in Orges in Switzerland, rebuilding CERN's Globe using AutoCAD and hsbcad.
CAD Trends
Are you interested in the current global CAD trends?
Take a look at the Business Advantage CAD Trends report, a 48-page slide deck covering:
- Background
- Key Trends
- CAD Usage
- Appendices
One interesting aspect is this snapshot of usage and importance of various CAD trends in 2015, plotting perceived importance of trends against current usage:
The current strong focus on 3D modelling is obvious.
BIM, simulation and mobile access are also already up there in the leading quadrant.
A number of other trends following on will become increasingly key for CAD providers and the developer community.