As you certainly know by now, the Autodesk Exchange Stores provide an efficient means to showcase and distribute your applications addressing a large world-wide audience.
Furthermore, it is very easy. As krispy just said in this Revit API forum thread on creating an installer for a Revit application, "You can just zip up the files they require (dll, addin, etc.) and upload that... the exchange app team will create the installer for you. They are pretty good with telling you what you need to add if you have not provided enough information."
Jim Quanci and Stephen Preston presented a webinar on the Autodesk Exchange Apps store on May 22nd.
The webinar was recorded and is now available for viewing on Autodesk DevTV.
Here is an overview of the information provided:
Autodesk Exchange Apps – Webinar for Publishers
Jim Quanci and Stephen Preston present the status of the Autodesk Exchange Apps store and explain recent enhancements for publishers. Note that this is a webcast recording, so audio quality is not the best.
The length of the recording – one and a half hours — is due to the Q&A at the end. Several interesting questions were asked and you might find the information useful. The actual webinar content runs to 1 hour 14 minutes.
Here is the slide deck (with notes) used for the presentation, in case you would like to follow along or just flick through.
The webinar discusses several resources for further information both for developing apps and for using the new enhancements. There are several blog posts on the Entitlement APIs – a simple protection system for your apps – as well as blog posts on Term based apps and setting up an IPN handler. For your convenience they are listed below.
1. Learn more about preparing your apps for publishing in the store at
2. Submit your app to be made available in any of the 18 stores just by going to any storefront and following the 'Exchange Apps Developers!' link in the lower right hand corner –
3. Entitlement API information:
- How to protect my intellectual property of my App on Autodesk Exchange – part 1
- How to protect my intellectual property of my App on Autodesk Exchange – part 2
- How to protect my intellectual property of my App on Autodesk Exchange – part 3
4. How the Autodesk Exchange IPN Listener works and how to create an IPN Listener.
5. Autodesk Exchange: Selling your web services on a monthly subscription.
As Stephen Preston mentioned during the webinar, we do want to help and are looking for publishers interested in implementing web service apps and also publishers using the Entitlement APIs. We ask that you let us know about your interest and plans so that we can help you.
Drop us an email at [email protected] and let us know how we can help you either get started leveraging the Exchange Apps store to reach millions of Autodesk customers now visiting the store every year or get started with the new enhancements.