I finally completed my disk clean-up and managed to install the Autodesk Building Design Suite Ultimate 2013. Phew.
Update API Assembly References
That requires me to update the Revit API references in the projects I am working on accordingly.
In order to easily compile all the SDK samples, I always create copies of the Revit API assemblies in the default installation locations for Revit Architecture, MEP and Structure.
Here is the batch file cprvtapi.bat that I used to achieve this after installing the onebox version of Revit 2013:
@echo off set a=C:\Program Files\Autodesk set b=Revit 2013\Program set c=Revit Architecture 2013\Program copy "%a%\%b%\RevitAPI.dll" "%a%\%c%" copy "%a%\%b%\RevitAPIUI.dll" "%a%\%c%" copy "%a%\%b%\RevitAddInUtility.dll" "%a%\%c%" set c=Revit MEP 2013\Program copy "%a%\%b%\RevitAPI.dll" "%a%\%c%" copy "%a%\%b%\RevitAPIUI.dll" "%a%\%c%" set c=Revit Structure 2013\Program copy "%a%\%b%\RevitAPI.dll" "%a%\%c%" copy "%a%\%b%\RevitAPIUI.dll" "%a%\%c%" set a= set b= set c=
Autodesk University Proposals Confirmed and Requested
I was notified yesterday that my AU proposals were accepted, so now I know where I will be spending my next birthday again.
I will be presenting two lectures and participating in one panel with members of the Revit API development team and ADN DevTech AEC workgroup:
- CP4107 Let's face it: New Autodesk Revit 2013 UI API Functionality
- CP4108 Revit MEP Programming: All Systems Go
- CP4109 Revit API Round Table: Meet the Champions
One advantage of these two lectures is that the AEC DevCamp class material can be reused for preparing them:
Another advantage is that they have consecutive numbers, making them easier to remember for me :-)
Whereas the live AU proposals have been submitted and processed by now, the Autodesk University Virtual call for proposals just opened and we are eagerly awaiting your submissions.
Updated Revit Add-in Wizards for C# and VB
After finally installing the official release of Revit, I updated my Revit add-in wizard and also re-implemented the VB one.
Basically, all that needed doing was to replace all occurrences of "Revit Quasar RP" by "Revit 2013" in the *.csproj and *.vbproj project files. They occur in the StartProgram and HintPath tags.
The boiler-place code now creates a 'using' statement around the dummy transaction, and I changed the default version strings in the assembly properties from "" to "1.0.*" to take advantage of the automatically generated build numbers.
For the full description of the wizards, please refer to these previous posts:
- Original introduction, benefits, and usage example for C# and VB.
- Personalised minimal C# version for Revit 2011.
- A short additional usage note.
- 64 bit versions for C# and VB.
- Revit 2012 C# and VB version.
- Updated C# and VB versions placing assembly DLL alongside add-in manifest and including other changes.
- Revit 2013 wizard for C# only.
To install, simply copy the appropriate zip file to the Visual Studio C# or VB project template folder in your local file system:
– copy to
[My Documents]\Visual Studio 2010\Templates\ProjectTemplates\Visual C# -
– copy to
[My Documents]\Visual Studio 2010\Templates\ProjectTemplates\Visual Basic