One main focus of the Revit 2013 API features is better support for add-in integration. This includes the possibility for an add-in to replace an existing Revit command with its own implementation. Note that you cannot call an existing command, just replace it entirely.
Such a command replacement is demonstrated in a very simple form by the DisableCommand SDK sample, which disables a command by replacing its implementation with a simple popup message.
A slightly more complex example is given by the UIAPI SDK sample, which implements and installs an alternative command binding for the Design Model command to start up a new family freshly created from the conceptual mass template and display its 3D view.
These are the steps to replace a built-in Revit command:
- Determine the RevitCommandId to replace by examining the journal file and searching for the name of the original command.
- Create an AddInCommandBinding for this command id.
- Provide an alternate implementation for the command binding.
List of all Revit Command Ids
To simplify the first step, Victor Chekalin aka Виктор Чекалин now presents a list of all Revit command ids,
In Victor's own words:
I'm learning the ability to replace a Revit command with my own add-in implementation. To replace a command, I must know CommandId of the command which I want to replace. The help tells me I can find a CommandId in the journal file. So the Revit SDK help doesn't contains full list of CommandIds. I have decided to correct this mistake and create that list.
I thought this information will be useful for you and other developers and send you the list of all command ids in both text and Excel format.
Question: Wow! How did you create this list?
Answer: It is my little secret how I've got it. Joke :-)
At first I thought the commands must be described somewhere. I searched for the text 'ID_EXPORT_IFC' (the command name from the Dev Days Online – Revit 2013 API) in all files at the Revit Program folder. So I found the UIFramework.dll file. I opened this file in the text editor and saw XML data containing command descriptions.
Next steps were very easy. I saved this part of the UIFramework.dll file to the XML file and read the XML data:
private IEnumerable<InternalCommandDef> ReadCommandsFromFile() { using( var streamReader = File.OpenText( @"C:\Users\ChekalinVV" + "\Documents\Revit\Revit2013SDK" + "\RevitUICommands.xml" ) ) { using( var reader = XmlReader.Create( streamReader ) ) { while( reader.Read() ) { if( reader.Name.Equals( "Command" ) ) { InternalCommandDef commandDef = new InternalCommandDef(); if( reader.MoveToAttribute( "Path" ) ) commandDef.Path = reader.Value; if( reader.MoveToAttribute( "CommandId" ) ) commandDef.CommandId = reader.Value; yield return commandDef; } } } } }
Retrieve get CommandId info for each command and write it to the text file:
using( var textFile = File.CreateText( @"C:\Users\ChekalinVV\Documents\Revit" + "\Revit2013SDK\RevitUICommands.txt" ) ) { foreach( var command in commands ) { RevitCommandId commandId = RevitCommandId .LookupCommandId( command.CommandId ); if( commandId == null ) continue; command.CanHaveBinding = commandId.CanHaveBinding; command.Id = commandId.Id; textFile.WriteLine( "{0}\t{1}\t{2}\t{3}", command.CommandId, command.Path, command.Id, command.CanHaveBinding ); /* It is just a joke if( !commandId.HasBinding && commandId.CanHaveBinding ) { var commandBinding = App.ControlledApplication .CreateAddInCommandBinding(commandId); commandBinding.Executed += OnCommandExecute; } */ } } }
It is not necessary to get full CommandId properties, but I wanted to retrieve the CanHaveBinding property for all commands. As I can see only two commands cannot have binding: Undo and Redo commands. Although I try to bind ID_APP_EXIT command (just for test because it was the first command I found in the journal files). It binds without any errors but doesn't work.
Very many thanks to Victor for this interesting research and the useful comprehensive list!