A recording of the "What's New in the Revit 2013 API" presentation from the DevDays conferences that we presented on the world-wide tour during the winter months is now live, both by selecting "DevDaysOnline-Revit2013API" in the public ADN webcast recording archive (download recording) and on the members-only ADN web site.
The 88 MB download contains the following:
- Recording – MP4 and supporting files (73,682,898 bytes)
- Presentation – DevDays Online - Revit 2013_Whats New.pptx (4,915,103 bytes)
- Sample code
- ReadMe.txt
- RoutingPreferenceAPI
- ScheduleAPI
- StairsAPI
The samples have also made it into the updated Revit 2013 SDK by now.
The presentation includes a product overview and a summary of the new API features, obviously going into much more detail than my recent brief overview of Revit 2013 and its API.
To give you an idea of the new product features, here is the list of main Revit 2013 product related projects:
- Construction, Fabrication and Engineering
- Construction Modeling
- Fabrication Platform
- Precast Elements
- Reinforcement Detailing
- Point Clouds
- Piping & System Routing
- Customer Requests
- Platform Scalability
- Revit Server
- Performance
- Countrification
- Stairs & Railings
- MEP Centerlines
- Suites & Interoperability
- First Experience
- Revit One Box
- Consistent Visualization
- Translation Fidelity
- Add-In Integration
- View API
- Visualization API
- Suites Visualization Workflows
- Inventor Interoperability API
- Analysis & Simulation
- Physical Properties
- Structural Analysis in BIM
- Structural Code Checking
- Analysis Visualization
- Analytical Volumes
- MEP Calculations
For more details on the new product features, you can check out the
- New feature videos and
- What's New section in the developer guide.
On the API front, I mentioned the main topics already in my Revit 2013 API overview, without, as said, being able to go into as much detail as this presentation does.
Many thanks to Saikat Bhattacharya for creating this recording!