As you certainly know by now, Autodesk University is an excellent opportunity to meet with the top experts in your industry and learn about the latest trends and technologies that will help you stay competitive. Here are some of the benefits:
- Learn techniques to use in your job right away. Whether you're designing buildings, routing transcontinental pipelines, or animating the next blockbuster movie, you can learn something immediately useful at AU.
- Find out what others are doing. AU is the perfect place to find out what everyone else is up to and how they're doing it.
- Peek into the future. Learn about, and even influence, the direction of upcoming Autodesk products. See what leading-edge firms have to offer in the Exhibit Hall.
- Make important business contacts. Find firms with complementary skills or colleagues with needed expertise.
Autodesk University is returning to The Venetian Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada, this year. The event runs from November 29 until December 1, 2011, and general registration is now open.
I already mentioned my classes at Autodesk University in Las Vegas December, and Kean provided a list of all classes provided by the ADN DevTech team.
Besides these, there are several classes of extra special interest to all Revit developers, given by member of the Revit development team themselves. Straight from the horse's mouth, so to speak. Here is a non-exhaustive list of classes that DevTech and the Engineering teams are planning to give on AEC related topics at AU this year:
- CP4011 Geometric Progression: Further Analysis of Geometry Using the Autodesk Revit 2012 API by Scott Conover, Revit API Development Manager
- CP4352 Efficiently Find the Information You Want Using the Autodesk Revit API by Kevin Vandecar, Principal Developer Consultant
- CP4451 & CP6760-L Extensible Storage in the Autodesk Revit 2012 API by Jeremy Tammik
- CP4453 Everything in Place with Autodesk Revit MEP Programming by Jeremy Tammik
- CP5211 Autodesk Revit Construction Modeling and API for Builders by Harry Mattison, Principal Engineer
- CP5381 Asynchronous Interactions and Managing Modeless UI with the Autodesk Revit API by Arnost Lobel, Principal Engineer and Miroslav Schonauer, Senior Technical Consultant
- CP3480 Customizing Autodesk Navisworks 2012 with the .NET API by Michael Priestman, Navisworks Development Manager
It would be great to see you there!