Here is a last minute reminder that the Revit API wish list survey that I already pointed out in a previous post will be closing this Friday, July 31st, 2009.
Thank you very much to all of you who have already completed it! The number of participants has increased significantly since last year, thanks to you.
Just to show you that the results of this wish list survey really do have a strong influence on the API development, here is the result of the previous Revit API wish list with the items implemented in Revit 2010 highlighted in bold:
- Ability to access more model data through the API
- Ability to create new families programmatically (without using the family editor)
- Addition of event handlers for elements when added, deleted, changed, moved or selected
- Ability to create more Revit elements programmatically
- Improved documentation and sample code
- Better integration into Revit UI – popup menus, access to design bars and option bars, access to project browser
- Ability to let user select element ends, intersection and faces while external application is running inside of Revit
- Other (detail below, including any vertical needs)
- Ability to encode more complex formulas into family parameters
- Ability to change existing element behaviour, for example the join behaviour of a wall
- Ability to create/edit/delete additional MEP elements