Here is a little note to answer a question from Berria on creating walls and doors on two separate levels. This is a slightly edited version of the original query:
Question: I need to create a house with two floors. I create a level and then a new wall and a door. It draws the two objects on different levels. When I build the first level, all is OK. An error occurs when I build the second, because the level to define the component position is always zero.
Answer: I cannot tell you off-hand what the problem is in your situation, but I can provide you with a code example that achieves your goal. Look at the external command Lab2_0_CreateLittleHouse in the Revit API introduction labs. To demonstrate that the code can be easily adapted to work on several levels, here is a modified version which creates only the walls and doors, omitting the other elements, and repeats the process on two levels. In order to place the second door, I do indeed modify the Z coordinate of its insertion point by setting 'midpoint.Z = levelMiddle.Elevation'. Before running this command, ensure that you have three levels in your model, and that the brain-dead code snippet which extracts them into the three variables really gets them in the right order:
WaitCursor waitCursor = new WaitCursor(); Application app = commandData.Application; Document doc = app.ActiveDocument; _createApp = app.Create; _createDoc = doc.Create; // // determine the four corners of the rectangular house: // double width = 7 * LabConstants.MeterToFeet; double depth = 4 * LabConstants.MeterToFeet; List<XYZ> corners = new List<XYZ>( 4 ); corners.Add( new XYZ( 0, 0, 0 ) ); corners.Add( new XYZ( width, 0, 0 ) ); corners.Add( new XYZ( width, depth, 0 ) ); corners.Add( new XYZ( 0, depth, 0 ) ); Level levelBottom = null; Level levelMiddle = null; Level levelTop = null; List<Element> levels = new List<Element>(); Filter filterType = _createApp.Filter.NewTypeFilter( typeof( Level ) ); doc.get_Elements( filterType, levels ); foreach( Element e in levels ) { if( null == levelBottom ) { levelBottom = e as Level; } else if( null == levelMiddle ) { levelMiddle = e as Level; } else if( null == levelTop ) { levelTop = e as Level; } else { break; } } BuiltInParameter topLevelParam = BuiltInParameter.WALL_HEIGHT_TYPE; Line line; Wall wall; Parameter param; ElementId topId = levelMiddle.Id; List<Wall> walls = new List<Wall>( 8 ); for( int i = 0; i < 4; ++i ) { line = _createApp.NewLineBound( corners[i], corners[3 == i ? 0 : i + 1] ); wall = _createDoc.NewWall( line, levelBottom, false ); param = wall.get_Parameter( topLevelParam ); param.Set( ref topId ); walls.Add( wall ); } topId = levelTop.Id; for( int i = 0; i < 4; ++i ) { line = _createApp.NewLineBound( corners[i], corners[3 == i ? 0 : i + 1] ); wall = _createDoc.NewWall( line, levelMiddle, false ); param = wall.get_Parameter( topLevelParam ); param.Set( ref topId ); walls.Add( wall ); } List<Element> doorSymbols = LabUtils.GetAllFamilySymbols( app, BuiltInCategory.OST_Doors ); Debug.Assert( 0 < doorSymbols.Count, "expected at least one door symbol" + " to be loaded into project" ); FamilySymbol door = doorSymbols[0] as FamilySymbol; XYZ midpoint = LabUtils.Midpoint( corners[0], corners[1] ); FamilyInstance inst0 = _createDoc.NewFamilyInstance( midpoint, door, walls[0], levelBottom, StructuralType.NonStructural ); midpoint.Z = levelMiddle.Elevation; FamilyInstance inst1 = _createDoc.NewFamilyInstance( midpoint, door, walls[4], levelMiddle, StructuralType.NonStructural ); return CmdResult.Succeeded;
Here is the result of running the command:
I hope this helps resolve your problem. And please do not use the upper door!